Updated Outdoor Yoga Class Schedule

first outdoor class april 16th.jpg

It was wonderful to welcome five of our yogis for our first outdoor class last Friday in our lovely new Emperor bell tent.

The late afternoon sunshine and birdsong were beautiful and although temperatures were still a little chilly, with an extra layer and plenty of blankets everybody was very happy.

The demand for these classes has been fantastic so we are delighted to announce the next batch of classes are now available for booking. These include our popular Saturday morning class from 1 May, which will be zoomed live from the tent and five lucky yogis can now be with Lolli in person.

Places are strictly limited to five people in order to comply with the rule of six. These are available on a first come, first served basis and to be as fair as possible, we are initially allowing booking up to two classes at a time.

We will operate a waiting list, offering places in the order of receiving requests for places.

The cost of each class is £10 per person.

Please email us at info@thaxtedyoga.co.uk to request a place. NB Your place will only be confirmed once we have received payment.

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The current schedule over the next few weeks is as follows:

  • Monday 19 April - 10am: FULLY BOOKED

  • Thursday 22 April - 5pm: BOOK NOW (* Note time)

  • Friday 23 April - 5:45pm: FULLY BOOKED

  • Sunday 25 April - 10am: FULLY BOOKED

  • Monday 26 April - 10am: BOOK NOW (* Limited availability)

  • Friday 30 April - 5:45pm: FULLY BOOKED

  • Saturday 1 May - 10am: BOOK NOW (* Class also available via Zoom)

  • Tuesday 4 May - 10am: BOOK NOW

  • Friday 7 May - 10am & 5:45pm: BOOK NOW

  • Saturday 8 May - 10am: BOOK NOW (* Class also available via Zoom)

  • Monday 10 May - 10am: BOOK NOW

  • Friday 14 May - 5:45pm: BOOK NOW

  • Saturday 15 May - 10am: BOOK NOW (* Class also available via Zoom)

Please Note: There will be no classes on Sunday 2 May and Monday 3 May.

Our social media accounts, website and WhatsApp will advise of any changes or rescheduling due to any weather issues.

We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Inside Tent .jpg

April News Update #2


April News Update